Friday, November 12, 2010

THE CHAIN take 2

HELLO AGAIN my friends,

  ON THIS POST...I'd like to make some interesting comparisons between "FLEETWOOD MAC" and "THE CHAIN".  (Well we find them interesting anyway, lol) and list some of the Do's and Don'ts of THE CHAIN.

In a interview for a newspaper I was asked;
1) What is it about Fleetwood Mac that continues to resonate/touch people today? 

Fleetwood Mac is a never ending story.  Musically as well as their personal lives.  It is one constant in our ever changing lives, that we want and can hold on to.

2) How would you assess the strengths of your group/s? What would you tell people about the talents of your band members?

Sandy does an excellent Christine McVie
both vocally and on keyboards.  By the way, did you know that Christine played her accordion for a song or two with the Mac? Well Sandy can also. 
Rob covers John McVie to the "T".  He is one of the best bass players I have ever had the
privilege of playing with.

Both Keith and Mike cover Lindsey well.  Both guitarists will switch leads off and on and complement each other when they do so.  Lindsey is one excellent guitar player and plays some really hard material.  So to have a couple of guys in the band that can try and keep up with him...speaks volumes.

Kimmy is Stevie Nicks!  She's a class act both on and off the stage.  She, like Stevie, has a voice that one never tires of listening to. 

Myself ;  well I've been called The other Mick.  I believe Mick is around 6'6" and I'm only 5' 10".  The band has offered to put me on a rack and stretch me,  I think they meant that in a nice way. Ha Ha. So, I guess I kinda look like Mick and I do try to copy his style. When you first listen to Mick, you find that he keeps things simple and effective but ...
When he comes to a drum solo,  he plays some complicated patterns and plays them "clean".  He's a excellent drummer.

Some other cool comparisons:

 There's been approximately 16 different members over the years for Fleetwood Mac  -  Yep, you guessed it... 16 different members for THE CHAIN/Harder Edge as well.

Stevie Nicks and Kimmy:  Both are excellent lead singers; Both beautiful women (yep kissing up here but I'm honest!); Both have unique, one of a kind voices; Both are roughly the same height, etc; Both are grace and class rolled into one; and both are two of the kindest people you'll ever want to meet.

John McVie and Rob:  Both outstanding bass players,  Both look similar, Both are quiet (at least on stage, :-)), Both love Blues, Both like to add some "serious, solid, rhythmic, harmonic parts" when performing. (say that 3 times fast, ha ha))

Christine McVie and Sandy:  Both are classy, "spot-on" wonderful women, Both are Charming, both are multi-talented players, both play accordion, I believe Christine is very reserved, (oops, Sandy isn't Ha Ha She's very outgoing). Both are excellent singers.

Mick Fleetwood and Jim(Doc):  Both look similar, Both have similar drumming styles, Both are the leaders / spokesmen of their bands,  Both are aggressive and creative during solos.  Both are extremely intelligent to leave the singing to others, (Ha Ha). Mick is a class act and Jim...well God knows he really does try.

Lindsey Buckingham and Mike, Keith:  Yep it takes at least two people to try to even come close to Lindsey.  Lindsey is just a "one of a kind", creative player.  Lindsey and Keith both great singers, All have excellent sounds coming forth from their guitars.  All are dedicated musicians/performers. 

Do's and Don't's of THE CHAIN:  1) We do try to have fun while we're out performing.  Otherwise why do it, right?
  2)  We do try to keep the image and interest of the real Mac alive as much as possible.
   3) For a few hours while we're playing, we do our best to make the audience forget their  day to day problems and try to transport them to another time and place that's a little happier.
(sounds corny but very true.) 
Don't's:  1) We Do Not sell any cds that we make.  Never believed in that. ONLY THE ARTISTS THEMSELVES should be getting any monies from CD's!   We give them away to good friends that come out support us when we're out gigging.
   2) If we can't play/perform a song that compliment's the original, then we don't do it.  Close...does not cut it.

 Some COMMENTS from Fans/Venues from around the world about THE CHAIN: 

 1) Your performance was spot-on, you really had fantastic energy and Vibes. None of us could stop dancing and singing your songs, You were superb and I would highly recommend you as a Fleetwood MAC tribute band!!  UK.

2) "What I liked about your band was you were able to hold the crowd the entire length of your show.   Your lead singer is "Stevie" to the "T".    Your band was The "Fleetwood Mac" band to the "T".   You All sounded just like the real "MAC"!    Very nice job and very professional! . HRC Pittsburgh,Pa

3) Wow your music has even hit down under, heard some of your tunes and just wanted to let everyone know how impressed I was... Aus.

4) “THE CHAIN is an incredible recreation of the classic days of Fleetwood Mac – the sound is as close as you can have it without actually seeing the band.  The Hard Rock Cafe will definitely invite the band back for an encore.” HRC, Pittsburgh,Pa

About THE CHAIN:When you play professionally with people over a period of time, you become a very close family.  At least it's that way with us and I have to tell you that it has been, (and is) an honor for me to be on the same stage and perform with this group of talented people!   As it is in the case with Kimmy & I, we have been together since the early 90's and she "IS" the sister I never had.   I'd like to thank each of them for putting up with me (and my Insanity, LOL) and hope only for the best to befall on them in the future.  Winning The Lottery would be good also!   Doc

PLEASE stop by our web site and check out our music and videos.  Also please vote on our MORPHINESS page for members of THE CHAIN that look the closest to the "REAL" artists themselves.


1 comment:

  1. I Heard you guys at the Hard Rock Cafe In Pittsburgh and was really impressed! Keep up the great work.
